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Why go plant-based? For Human Health

Research has demonstrated that plant-based diets are nutritionally adequate, and may even provide health benefits over an omnivorous one.

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Plant Based
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Leading a Healthy Plant Based Lifestyle
In recent years, our collective understanding about the nutritional quality of vegan and vegetarian diets has improved dramatically. This has been a critical factor in helping more people transition to plant-based diets. This makes sense: making any change in something as personal and important as our dietary choices can be nerve-wracking, and we always want to make sure that we are leading the healthiest lives that we can.
Thankfully, the leading health organizations from a diverse range of nations have demonstrated that plant-based diets are totally nutritionally adequate for people at all stages of life, and may even offer health benefits over an omnivorous diet. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics articulated these potential benefits, stating “vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.”
The overall nutritional status of a plant-based lifestyle is captured concisely in their summary of the research, which leaves little to the imagination. They state, “appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.”

Planning a Vegan Diet

Like any other diet, when eating plant-based it is important to properly manage what you are eating in order to meet your nutritional needs. Eating potato chips may be vegan, but if that’s all you are eating you won’t find yourself achieving any health benefits.

When properly planned, however, health organizations have “produced compelling evidence that most vegetarian diets were not only nutritionally adequate but also associated with lower risks of certain chronic diseases.”

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The Bottom Line
Whether you are ready to make the transition to a plant-based diet or are still deciding, you can feel confident that a properly managed vegan diet can meet all of your nutritional needs — regardless of your age or lifestyle. Eating plant-based has never been more accessible at any point in human history, and we now have the research to make this dietary change with confidence.
Key Studies on Plant Based Nutrition
Plant-based diets are nutritionally adequate and may provide certain benefits.
View climate benefits of veganism →
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Key Data

Lead a healthy lifestyle with plant-based diets.

Knowing what we now do, we can be confident that eating a well-planned fully vegan diet is fully compatible with a healthy and active lifestyle, no matter your age.

Major Health organizations have confirmed the safety of these diets.

Majority Of direct cholesterol comes from animal-based foods.

~500% Increase in veganism in the United States alone.

Diverse reasons to go plant-based (health, climate change, ethics, etc).

Ready to take action? Try eating plant-based for the planet. Gallons of water you'll save in 0 days: 0
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