The Problem The Pledge The Pillars Blog
Learn more Why making a change may be easier than you think

Join the Animal Alliance

Promoting freedom and fairness to all sentient beings.

Join the movement

Everyone, regardless of current lifestyle, is welcome! Our multi-tier pledge system is designed to accommodate anyone.

The problem

Humankind predominantly views other animals as mere commodities, resources, and property. But at Animal Alliance Pledge, we unequivocally reject this oppressive ideology.

Every year, trillions of animals are systematically exploited and killed to satisfy human desires. Although the sheer number of victims may be incomprehensible to us, we ought to recognize that each and every single one of them was a sentient being whose life mattered to himself or herself, even if it mattered to no one else.

Furthermore, using animals is utterly catastrophic to global ecosystems, creates countless zoonotic diseases, and poses unnecessary threats to our nutrition.

All of this begs the following question: How can we justify perpetrating these atrocities when we could just make a simple change instead?

Animals Killed
Climate Crisis

“We can see quite plainly that our present civilisation is built on the exploitation of animals, just as past civilisations were built on the exploitation of slaves, and we believe the spiritual destiny of man is such that in time he will view with abhorrence the idea that men once fed on the products of animals’ bodies.”

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The pledge

Being an ally to animals means not viewing
them as means to our own ends…

… and that means being vegan! At AAP, we adopt an inclusive and education-driven approach in our mission to promote animal rights. Anybody is welcome to become a member by taking either of our two pledge options. Take the Learning Pledge for any duration of your choosing to learn the hows and whys of going vegan, or take the official Animal Alliance Pledge if you’re ready to commit to staying vegan for life. Pledge-takers’ names will be publicly displayed in the Members section of the site. When we stand together, we can build a better world.

Getting Started

The Learning Pledge

An entry-level, custom-length pledge to learn the hows and whys of veganism.

  • Eat a plant-based diet and learn the truth about our relationship with other animals.

  • Pledge durations can range anywhere from one day to one year (default is 30 days).

  • Can be retaken as many times as you'd like, or can be upgraded to the full pledge.

Take a Pledge

The Full Pledge

The Animal Alliance Pledge

A lifelong pledge and unwavering commitment to veganism.

  • Declare a permanent conscientious objection to animal exploitation.

  • Have a public and formal statement about your ethical convictions.

  • Create a sense of solidarity with other pledge-takers and inspire people to follow in your footsteps.

Take a Pledge

Our Members

AAP is a growing community of individuals who have taken a firm stance against exploitation and injustice.
View Members

Get involved

We’re here for the animals and each other.

You might feel that becoming vegan would not have a significant impact, but to the animals who would be spared by that decision, it is everything. In fact, it is the literal difference between life and death, and between emancipation and exploitation. Furthermore, it is these sorts of day-to-day interpersonal decisions that will shape the long-term future of our society, planet, and fellow Earthlings. As we move forward, let's choose compassion over cruelty, and kindness over violence.

The Plant-Based Pillars

Veganism is about animal liberation, and being "plant-based" is about everything else. Click below to learn more!

More About the Pledges

AAP uses a public pledge system to provide a sense of solidarity amongst those who wish to see a world where all animals are given the basic moral decency that they deserve from us. Our Learning Pledge is especially designed to make veganism seem approachable and achievable for anyone who is sympathetic to this cause.
The Pledge